We debunk the most common breastfeeding myths and facts!
Myth 1: Breastfeeding is painful
Fact: While there can be discomfort while your body’s adjusting, before long it goes away and in the meantime there are remedies. In the early weeks, along with swelling and engorgement, nipples can become sensitive, cracked or sore. If they do, Lansinoh® HPA® Lanolin can help to soothe and protect and Soothies® by Lansinoh® Gel Pads can provide cooling relief upon contact.
Myth 2: If I have sore nipples I should use expressed breastmilk
Fact: Lansinoh® HPA® Lanolin, combined with breastfeeding education, is more effective than expressed breastmilk in reducing nipple pain and promoting healing (Abou-Dakn et al).
Myth 3: Using both breast and bottle does not cause nipple preference
Fact: Switching your baby between a bottle and breast may cause nipple preference or confusion. Your baby could quickly learn to prefer bottle feeding to breastfeeding because she has not had enough time to learn the correct mouth movements. Try to avoid using bottles and pacifiers for the first four weeks to establish your milk supply and nursing routine.
Myth 4: If my baby is nursing every hour, I won’t produce enough milk
Fact: This is a common misconception, but only 1% of women can’t produce enough milk. Your body works on supply and demand, so nursing or pumping more can actually increase your supply.
It's absolutely normal for your baby to “cluster feed” (frequent nursing) at certain times of the day because breastmilk is easier to digest. A benefit of cluster feeding is it can lead to longer stretches of sleep. Often babies will increase their frequency of feedings because of a growth spurt, usually around six weeks and then three, six and nine months of age. If you are separated from your baby, it is important to pump on the same feeding schedule so you continue to produce milk.
Myth 5: Breastfeeding mothers must use both breasts at each feeding
Fact: What’s important is that the baby finishes one breast and gets the hindmilk. The foremilk at the beginning hydrates him, while the thicker hindmilk at the end is full of protein and fat to help the baby grow. If only one breast is used at a feeding, make sure that the next feeding begins with the other breast to keep producing plenty of milk.
Myth 6: Breastfeeding shortchanges dad from bonding with the baby
Fact: There are a lot of non-feeding activities that are ideal for dad to create his own special bond with the baby. Read Top Ten Tips for Dad to learn more.
Myth 7: Expectant mothers should rub rough terry cloths on their nipples to "toughen them up"
Fact: “Toughening” nipples can cause nipple soreness on already tender, expanded skin. Quite the opposite, nipples need to remain supple. Lansinoh HPA Lanolin can be applied before delivery to help keep nipples soft and supple.
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