Teething can be very painful for babies. It’s normal for your baby to want to bite down or rub their swollen gums on something for relief.
Your breast may seem like a good place. While your natural inclination is to pull the baby away and yelp or say "No!” that reaction may confuse or frighten your baby and cause them to go on a brief nursing strike.
Try rubbing a cold teething ring on your baby's gums before nursing or during breaks, or put crushed ice in a closed, clean sock for your little one to gnaw on. If you sense your baby is closing in for a bite when they’re nursing, pull them close to your body so they will have to release to open their mouth more and uncover their nose.
If that doesn’t work, gently un-latch your little one and tell them firmly, but calmly, not to bite because it hurts mommy. Latch them on again but un-latch if it happens a second time, put them down and tell them no nursing if they bite. Depending on your baby’s age, they may only understand this with repetition but they will get the message that there is cause and effect. Biting equals a stop in nursing.
Be consistent. Repeat these steps every time your baby tries to bite you, and eventually they'll get the message that biting triggers a stop in nursing.
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